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Webvizio Introduces a Game-Сhanging Feature – Tasks on Hidden Elements

Webvizio Team
Aug 01, 2024
2 min

If you’re dealing with hidden elements on your website, like a navigation menu or carousel sliders, our new functionalities make it easier than ever to create, track, and manage tasks on hidden elements.

Webvizio now allows you to create tasks on any website element, including hidden ones like mobile hamburger menus, slider slides, and hidden tabs. Tasks on hidden elements and visible elements that change or are removed will have a gray task marker if Webvizio cannot locate or identify them as hidden.

Webvizio now allows you to create web tasks on any website element.

Show Marker

When a task is created, Webvizio automatically captures the state of the page. By clicking this option, Webvizio will restore the page to its state at the time the task was created, including the placement of the task marker.

This mode essentially serves as a version history of the page, with each task in Webvizio automatically including a snapshot of the page at the time of task creation.

Note: “Show Marker” is not available on the Free Forever plan, but you can use screenshots to find the marker’s position.

Webvizio's "Show a marker" feature

Task Screenshot

Webvizio automatically takes a screenshot of the area when a task is created. This lets you see the exact position of the task marker and the surrounding site area. Previously, viewing hidden elements on screenshots required an extension, but now it’s available without one.

Webvizio's task screenshot feature

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