Task Creation and Management

3 min
Mar 11, 2025

Once the Webvizio installation is complete, the Webvizio widget will appear on the right side of your browser interface.

When you click on the Webvizio icon, a menu will appear with two options:

1. Create Tasks – enables Task Mode where you can create new tasks and view already created tasks on the current page.
2. Manage Tasks – redirects to the project page in the Webvizio App, where you can easily navigate and manage tasks of the current project.

Webvizio Browser Extension Widget

Create a New Task

To create a new task, follow these steps:

  1. Сlick on the Create Tasks icon, and click on any element on the website that needs attention
  2. Enter the title and description of the task in the new task pop-up window
  3. Click on the Create button
Webvizio Browser Extension - Create a new task

Create Tasks in The Device Mode

While you can’t install the extension on mobile devices, here’s a pro tip: Use Chrome’s Device Mode to test mobile layouts!

The Webvizio extension is fully compatible and optimized for use with Chrome DevTools’ Device Mode, allowing you to create tasks while testing different device views.

  1. Open Chrome DevTools (hit F12 or right-click and select “Inspect”)
  2. Turn on the Device Mode
  3. Pick any mobile device you want to test
Webvizio Browser Extension - Creating tasks in the mobile device mode

View All Tasks

You can view the created tasks in two ways:

1. In the Webvizio application:
Click “Manage tasks” in the Webvizio menu for full task management capabilities. Use this option when you need to edit tasks, view comments, or access all task management features.

Webvizio Browser Extension -  Viewing all tasks in the Webvizio application

2. Directly on your website:
– Click “Create Tasks” in the Webvizio menu to see markers for all open or in-progress tasks
– Click any marker to view task details.

Webvizio Browser Extension - view the created tasks directly on your website

Preview Task Statuses

You can preview task statuses in the Chrome extension with pin color coding. The color specifies the recent task status the same way it’s coded in the app:

🟣Purple: Open

🟡Yellow: In-progress

🟢 Green: Done

Exit From Task Mode

Press ESC or click the Exit icon on the right side of the screen to return to normal website interaction.

Task View Window

Each task window provides the following options:

Task screenshot – preview task screenshot/annotations

Copy task link – copies the task link from the Webvizio App

Copy AI Prompt – copy AI prompt for AI closing agents

Copy task description – copies complete task details with screenshots and technical specs

Go to task – opens the task in the Webvizio app

Comments – preview or add new comments to the task

Add files – preview or add task attachments

Tags – edit and add task custom tags

Edit task – edit task content (title, description, status, assignees, etc.)

Delete – forever remove the task.

Webvizio Browser Extension Task View