Technical Logs

3 min
Mar 11, 2025

Device Information, Console Logs, Network Logs, and User Actions

Each task created in the Webvizio extension can be enhanced with automatically collected technical information, which includes:

  • Device and browser information
  • Console logs, including network errors and warnings
  • Network logs
  • User actions (retro steps)

To start collecting browser technical logs, follow these steps:

  1. Open or enable the Webvizio Extension.
  2. Click on the “Create Tasks” icon and select any element.
  3. A new browser tab will automatically open with a standalone page displaying live snapshots, screenshots, and all technical logs.
  4. You can share this task page with anyone by clicking the “Copy link” button.

To exit the main Webvizio project, click the “All tasks” link at the top of the page.

👉Pro Tip: To turn off automatic log collection, navigate to the Users & Permissions tab in Account Settings. Once automatic log collection is turned off, you will need to enable log collection manually each time by clicking the Enable Logs button in the task window. 

HAR files

HAR file (HTTP Archive file) is a JSON-formatted archive file that logs a web browser’s interaction with a website. It captures detailed information about web requests and responses, which can be used to analyze web performance, debug issues, and optimize websites and web applications.

To obtain a HAR file, a user must always keep the browser’s DevTools panel open while working with the extension. This step is essential for capturing a complete and accurate HAR file. For the best results, we recommend using the Chrome browser.

To open DevTool in Chrome Browser :

  • Press F12.
  • Right-click and select the Inspect option on an element.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + C (Windows + Linux)
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + C or Command + Option + C (Mac).
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + J or Command + Option + J to call the console (Mac).

To obtain a HAR file, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Webvizio browser extension
  2. Open DevTools in your browser
  3. Click on the Webvizio extension widget to switch to the Task mode
  4. Click on any web element to report a bug or issue
  5. Enable log collection in a task window (the indicator next to the icon turns green)
  6. When you are done with the task, click “Create.”
  7. In the open browser tab on the left sidebar, click on the “Network” tab
  8. Click “Download HAR,” and the browser will automatically start downloading to your computer.

☝️Please note: If the “Download HAR” link is inactive, please ensure you have followed the steps above. DevTool must be open for each page you are reporting on.