Understanding Billing

6 min
Feb 16, 2023

We have tailored our plans to better meet your team’s needs. You can choose from three comprehensive plans: Starter, Advanced, and Enterprise. Each plan is designed to help you manage projects efficiently, collaborate effectively, and boost productivity. This article will explain how our billing works and provide an understanding of Webvizio pricing plans, helping you manage your account payments.

Billing Basics

Webvizio now offers three plans: Starter, Advanced, and Enterprise. These plans are available on a monthly or annual subscription basis, allowing you to choose the billing cycle that best suits your budget and needs.

Plan Comparison

Webvizio offers three paid plans to suit different needs.

The Starter Plan is priced at $35 per month (or $28 per month if billed annually) and includes up to 10 projects, 5 users, additional users at $7 per user per month (or $5.6 per month if billed annually), and a maximum attachment size of 25 MB per file.

The Advanced Plan costs $95 per month (or $76 per month if billed annually) and supports up to 100 projects, 20 users, additional users at $4.75 per user per month (or $3.8 per month if billed annually), and a maximum attachment size of 100 MB per file.

The Enterprise Plan features custom pricing, unlimited projects, custom user limits, free additional users, and a maximum attachment size of 1,000 MB per file.

You can view a detailed comparison of the plans on our Pricing Page.

Managing Your Subscription

Changing the Number of User Seats

User Seats: When you choose a plan, you can preselect the number of seats needed for your team. Seats include the account owner, project managers, and regular users (Assignees). Viewers and guests do not require separate seats and are not considered paid users.

When new user seats are added to the Starter or Advanced plans, the seat is added automatically, and your account will be charged a prorated fee based on the number of users added.

The account owner can determine in the Account Settings if all paid users added must be approved by the account owner only before they can join the team. By default, this option is disabled. If you want to enable this option, proceed to your Account Settings, choose the “Users & Permissions” tab, and check this option in the checkbox “Approve users by account owner only.”

Enterprise Plan: With the Enterprise Plan, you have no limit on the number of users who can access your account. You will be charged a flat rate based on the billing cycle chosen during checkout.

Managing User Seats: When users are deleted, their seats remain in the account. The account owner can invite new users to the vacated seats at no additional cost. If you do not plan on adding new users, you can reduce the number of seats in the account. The payment will be calculated based on the number of seats at the beginning of the new billing period.

To change the number of seats assigned to your account, please proceed to the “Account settings” in your project dashboard, choose the “Subscriptions” tab, and click on “Change team size“.

Understanding Billing

Starter Plan

Let’s imagine you, as an account owner, decided to switch to the Starter plan. Before checkout, you indicate that there will be 5 users plus an additional user (seat) in the account team. In this case, the cost of your paid subscription will be $35 per month + $7 for the additional user, totaling $42 per month + taxes. In total, $504 + taxes. Or, with annual billing, it will be $28 per month + $5.60 for the additional user, totaling $33.60 per month ($403.20 per year) + taxes, meaning you are actually saving approximately 20%.

If you decide to add or remove users during your billing cycle, the cost of the subscription will be recalculated:

  • Monthly Billing: The cost will be recalculated based on the remaining days of the billing period. For example, if the billing period started on January 1st and a new paid user was added on January 15th, the payment on January 15 for the remaining 16 days will be $3.61. At the beginning of the next billing period on February 1, the payment will be recalculated based on the new seat amount, so it will now be $49 (7 users) + taxes. If a user is deleted before the beginning of the next billing period (e.g., January 20), the difference for the paid days until the end of the billing period is not refunded automatically. To start paying for fewer users from the next billing period, you should manually reduce the number of seats in the account. If a user is added a day before a new billing period starts, we do not charge a fee.
  • Yearly Billing: The cost will be recalculated based on the remaining days of the billing period. For example, if the billing period began on January 1 and the cost of an annual subscription for 1 additional user is $67.20, a new user added on January 16 would be calculated as $67.20/365 * 350 (days remaining until the next billing period) = $64.44. Your subscription renewal date will remain January 1 of the following year.

Advanced Plan

The same billing principles will apply to the Advanced subscriptions. Suppose you decide to upgrade to the Advanced plan with 20 users plus an additional user (seat):

  • Monthly Billing: The cost will be $95 per month + $4.75 for the additional user, totaling $99.75 (20 users included + 1 additional seat at $4.75) per month + taxes. Thus, the yearly cost would be $1,140 + $57, totaling $1,197 (20 users included + 1 additional seat) per year + taxes.
  • Yearly Billing: For annual billing, the cost will be $76 per user per year for the included users and $3.80 for each additional user. So, for 21 users, it will be $76 * 12 + $3.80 * 12 = $912 + $45.60 (1 additional user) = $957.60 + taxes.

Upgrade now to streamline your team’s collaboration and enhance productivity with Webvizio’s new and improved plans!

Changing Your Billing Cycle

You can change your billing cycle at any time, but the change will take effect starting with the next billing period. To change your billing cycle, proceed to Account settings, choose the “Subscriptions” tab, and click “Change your billing cycle”.

Canceling Subscription

The account owner can cancel their subscription at any time by clicking “Cancel Subscription” in the Subscription tab in the settings menu. After canceling, your Active Seats subscription will remain in effect until the end of your paid billing period. The prepaid period is non-refundable. If a user is added after the subscription is canceled, the amount per user will be charged until the end of the billing period.

After the billing period ends, the account is transferred to a free subscription, and all projects are blocked except for the last project with the most recent user activities. Users will remain in your team, but if the number of users exceeds the limit, they will be limited to the Viewer role.

For any questions regarding payment, please contact us at billing@webvizio.com

Upgrade Today!

Upgrading to the Advanced or Enterprise plan will empower your team with advanced tools and support. Choose the plan that fits your needs and start boosting your productivity today.

To get started with Starter or upgrade to Advanced, click here.

For Enterprise, talk to us.