Giving quick web design feedback
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  • UI/UX
  • Web Design & Development

Best Tools & Tips for Giving Timely Feedback on Website Design

Denis Yankovsky
Feb 28, 2023
15 min

Web design plays a crucial role in shaping the user experience and ultimately, the success of the business, serving as the virtual storefront of a business, thus literally impacting your online sales and revenue. As a result, it’s essential to provide constructive and professional website design feedback to achieve the desired results. 

When working on website design projects, it’s important to make sure your ideas are heard, and the final product aligns with the client’s vision. However, finding the right words to articulate your thoughts can be a major hurdle for many professionals in the industry.

Thankfully, there are some helpful tips and best practices you can employ to effectively communicate your ideas. By doing so, you can ensure the website is launched successfully and has the potential to become truly exceptional.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the importance of giving feedback on website design faster, provide tips, and explore the tools for feedback on web design.

So, whether you’re a designer, own a web agency, or are just someone who wants to improve the user experience, read on to learn how to give timely feedback on a website design that really matters.

Let’s get started!

Why Giving Timely & Effective Website Design Feedback is Critical?

Providing timely and effective feedback on website design is crucial for ensuring the website meets the client’s vision and maintains a high level of quality. Not only does good feedback help identify areas in need of improvement, but it also results in a better overall user experience.

By offering constructive criticism and helpful suggestions, you can assist the designer or development team in creating a website that not only looks great but also functions smoothly.

Fortunately, there are various methods available for gathering feedback on website design, including:

  1. User testing: This involves asking real users to interact with the website and provide their feedback. 
  2. Surveys: Surveys are a great way to gather feedback from many users in a short amount of time. 
  3. Focus groups: A focus group involves bringing together a group to discuss and provide feedback on the website. 
  4. One-on-one feedback sessions: This involves meeting with individual users, getting their thoughts, and identifying bugs on the website.

How To Give Design Feedback On Websites? 8 Website Design Feedback Tips

Effective website design is not just about looks – it’s also about functionality, usability, and connecting with your intended audience. As a matter of fact, a recent study from Stanford University revealed that 75% of website visitors base their opinion about a business’s credibility solely on its website design.

Given this information, how can you guarantee that your website design is effective and successful?

Check out these tips for providing design feedback that can help enhance the overall appeal and design of your website:

  1. Establishing Clear Guidelines

Before giving design feedback, it’s important to establish clear guidelines on what the feedback should cover. This may include aspects such as usability, functionality, content, appearance, and the overall user experience. 

For example, suppose the website’s goal is to create a user-friendly interface for a new e-commerce platform. In that case, the feedback should focus on the ease of navigation, the placement of products and categories, and the overall layout and appearance of the site. 

Clear guidelines will help ensure that the feedback is relevant, constructive, and focused on improving the website design. 

You can create a website design feedback template, or a website design QA checklist in advance, which you’ll follow every time. This way, you can ensure that you check every box while providing feedback. 

  1. Using Mockups to Visualize Ideas
webpage mockup for design feedback
Image by designwarrior on Freepik

The website design feedback process is challenging, especially when you’re articulating design concepts and ideas that are not easily expressed through words. In such cases, mockups can be a valuable tool to help visualize the ideas and concepts being discussed. 

Mockups help you visualize your ideas so that the designer can easily see what you’re talking about. The same is true for visual feedback on web design, which is the quickest and most effective method for expressing your design ideas and inputs.

For example, if the person providing feedback feels that the placement of the call-to-action button on the website could be improved, they can create a mockup to show how they would like the button to be positioned. This makes it much easier for the designer to understand the feedback and implement the changes as desired. But it will also take some time and skills to create such a mockup. So instead you can do it much easier by creating a screenshot of the current page, or marking the needed changes directly on the image. Or you need to provide feedback for a design of a live web page or an app, you can get an instant snapshot canvas of it and then mark the changes there.

Using mockups and visual feedback tools can help you avoid repeating yourself when discussing specific changes in the layout or functionality of the site.

  1. Utilizing Collaboration Tools for Remote Teams

Working remotely, team members can feel disconnected from each other. This can make it more difficult for team members to give feedback, especially on a website design. 

Team collaboration tools such as website feedback management software, video conferencing platforms, and online whiteboarding tools can help remote teams work together and collaborate more effectively. These tools can streamline communication, share ideas and mockups, and provide real-time feedback and website design review.

Here’s how remote collaboration tools aid the feedback process: 

  • A website design feedback management tool like Webvizio can help to keep track of the progress of the website design project, set milestones and deadlines, and provide updates on the status of the design. 
  • A video conferencing platform like Zoom or Skype can facilitate virtual meetings and presentations, allowing teams to collaborate in real time
  • An online whiteboarding tool like Miro or Microsoft Whiteboard can help to visualize ideas and concepts in a virtual environment, making it easier for teams to share feedback and review designs.
  1. Being Specific and Objective 

When it comes to giving feedback on web design, precision is key. This means delving into specific design elements, like the color palette, element placement, or typography.

Providing detailed feedback will help the designer comprehend exactly what needs tweaking and how to proceed with the necessary changes. This can streamline the process and increase efficiency.

Objectivity is also essential in giving feedback. Rather than relying on subjective opinions or preferences, feedback should be based on solid facts, data, and observations. For instance, instead of simply stating “I don’t like the color scheme,” try saying something like “The color scheme doesn’t reflect the brand identity, as it doesn’t match the company’s official colors.” By the way, you don’t have to be Shakespeare in order to write and express yourself with style, you can easily use one of the AI writing assistant tools to help you form your thoughts in a nice and effective way.

By being specific and objective, the designer can better understand the rationale behind your feedback. This can reduce the risk of misunderstandings or disagreements and lead to more productive collaboration and effective problem-solving.

  1. Highlighting Both Strengths and Weaknesses 

Acknowledging the strengths of a website design is a great way to boost the designer’s confidence and motivation. This positive feedback also lays the groundwork for future development.

For instance, if the designer has created a visually stunning and engaging layout, be sure to acknowledge their hard work.

On the other hand, identifying the design’s weaknesses is just as crucial. Doing so will help the designer pinpoint areas for improvement.

For instance, if the website design lacks accessibility features, make sure to bring it to the designer’s attention. This will allow them to take the necessary steps to improve the user experience for everyone, including those with disabilities.

By addressing both the strengths and weaknesses of the website design, you’re empowering the designer to create a more well-rounded and effective design.

  1. Providing Recommendations and Alternatives 

Try to provide as clear recommendations for improving the website design as possible, including alternatives if there are several different options. You can also suggest other ways the client could achieve their goals on the web. 

To provide recommendations and alternatives, it’s important that you:

  • Provide specific details about the issue at hand. 
  • Recommend different solutions for any issues discovered during testing. 
  • Offer potential solutions for every problem found during testing — including those related to usability, accessibility, and user experience.

For example, if you think their website needs more collaged images, or video content, suggest ways to add it through comments

In this way, you can help the client understand what you think about the design and how and why it could be improved.

  1. Using Examples and Data to Support Feedback 

If you can’t explain why something is wrong with a design, then it will be difficult for the designer to fix it. Instead of saying, “This photo needs editing,” try providing specific website design feedback examples of what doesn’t look right and why it doesn’t meet the objectives of the project or website.

Suppose the design couldn’t achieve specific goals (for example, if there were too many colors). Provide examples from other websites that show how those goals have been achieved elsewhere. 

On the other hand, data can provide a more objective basis for your feedback. 

For example, if you are concerned about the website’s accessibility, you might use data from user testing or surveys to show that users with disabilities are having difficulty using the site.

  1. Using the Right Language and Tone

Feedback can be hard to hear, but it’s all about how you say it. Using positive language and a friendly tone will ensure your message gets through loud and clear.

So here’s what you can do: 

  • Use “I statements” and stay away from “you statements.” Don’t say: “You should have done this”. That may sound accusatory and like you’re blaming them. Instead, say: “I would have preferred if you had done this.”
  • Avoid using jargon or buzzwords like “responsive,” “flat design,” or “UX.” Instead, use terms your team will understand. This includes common words like “navigation” and “content.”

What Are The Best Software Tools For Feedback on Web Design in 2023?

1. Webvizio

Webvizio is one of the best web design feedback tools. It provides an all-in-one solution for website design feedback and collaboration, making it easier for designers and stakeholders to work together and deliver the best results. You can give feedback on websites and apps, manage multiple website feedback projects, review digital assets and documents, detect bugs, deliver a flawless website, and even provide video feedback.

Webvizio integrates seamlessly with a number of popular project management tools, such as Trello, ClickUp, and Asana. This allows users to manage projects, tasks, and teams more efficiently by leveraging the best features of these tools and combining them into a single platform.

Key features 


Webvizio provides a Free Forever plan along with two pro subscription plans starting at $5.20 per user per month when you opt for the annual package.

Webvizio - all-in-one web design collaboration platform
Webvizio – All-in-one Web Design Collaboration Platform

Create your free-forever account now and take it for a spin!

2. Nimbus Platform

Nimbus tool for feedback & collaboration on web design
Courtesy of Nimbus

Nimbus Platform is a web design feedback and collaboration tool. It can optimize time during the entire design cycle, from creation and discussion to client presentation. 

You can use Nimbus Capture, a part of the Nimbus ecosystem, to give feedback in minutes. It helps to record videos and take screenshots of the entire screen or just fragments of it. 

Easily upload videos and screenshots into a Nimbus working hub to keep discussions in one place and collaborate further. You can add all information about designs (images with ideas, prototypes from Figma, and more) to super pages and continue to work on them. Getting feedback from clients is easy too. You need to connect the desired super pages to the Nimbus Portal and share the portal using one link. The clients will see only the essential details and can share their opinion via chat right in the portal.

Key features

  • Give quick feedback with screenshots: capture the entire web pages or parts of them, and easily annotate your screenshots.
  • Record video feedback: show what to improve instead of writing long paragraphs.
  • Gather feedback in one place: establish your discussion and collaboration in one working hub to have all details at hand. Use chats, comments, and tasks to finalize your designs faster.
  • Add all you need: embed design prototypes from Figma, include Typeform with user surveys, and integrate 2K other tools in the Nimbus working hub.
  • Manage your permissions: decide who can see and edit what is in your working hub.
  • Get feedback from clients: share your results with clients via Nimbus Portal. Your clients will see only the outcomes without dealing with your internal processes.


You can use Nimbus Platform for free or try more advanced features. The price starts from $6 per user per month with an annual subscription. Nimbus Platform also provides lifetime deals.

3. ClickUp

ClickUp digital collaboration tool
Courtesy of ClickUp

ClickUp is a project management tool that offers a variety of features, including task management, time tracking, and team collaboration. It is designed to help teams stay organized and on track with their projects. 

Key features

  • Task management with multi-task toolbar
  • Drag-and-drop functionality
  • Customization options
  • Allows automation of repetitive tasks


The Forever Free plan is available, along with the Unlimited and Business plans:

  • The Unlimited plan – $5 per member per month
  • The Business plan – $12 per member per month
  • The Business Plus plan – $19 per member per month
  • The Enterprise plan – Custom quote

4. Helio (formerly Notable)

Courtesy of Helio

Helio, previously known as Notable, is a website design feedback tool that offers a multitude of advanced features, ranging from integrated instruments for capturing screenshots to annotation markups, presentations, project administration, user testing, and prototyping. Additionally, if you’re the kind of person who prefers to construct websites and collaborate on web design through a browser, you can collaborate on flat prototypes as well as coded sites! This aspect might make it particularly beneficial for those with Pro or Team plans.

Key features

  • Test creative ideas and web design projects on your website
  • Research your target audience and competitors to make smarter decisions
  • Collect your customers’ feedback and design ideas
  • Create surveys and polls to gather more data


It’s free to start sending a survey test, then $199 with an audience in the cheapest Pro plan.

5. Bounce

Courtesy of Bounce

If you’re new to the digital space and need to provide feedback, Bounce is an effortless tool to use. Your service provider can send you a Bounce link, and you just need to enter the URL you want to review. The application will generate a screenshot, enabling you to add your comments and share them with them. 

You don’t have to download any application as everything takes place in the browser. Additionally, you can share an image by uploading it instead of entering a URL.

Key features

  • Straightforward and basic features that are solely focused on collecting website design feedback
  • Free to use
  • Accurately takes screenshots from mockups, websites, and browsers
  • Ideal for small-scale projects


Available free of cost

Wrapping Up

Giving feedback on website design is an essential aspect of website creation. With the right web agency collaboration tools, design agencies can streamline the process and ensure that their teams work efficiently. 

The key is having an effective website design feedback mechanism to help team members collaborate and create beautiful, functional websites that meet the customer’s needs. 

By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, web design agencies can build aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly websites.

Ready to take your website design feedback process to the next level? 

Get Webvizio for Free

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