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  • ~65% faster issue resolution
  • 80% fewer misinterpretations
  • Improved feedback accuracy

From Digital Chaos to Web Harmony: Andrews University’s Webvizio Success Story

2 min
Aug 01, 2024

About Jason Strack and Andrews University

Jason Strack manages a custom-built content management system (CMS) for Andrews University’s website. As part of his role, he also oversees the university website feedback tool. Jason leads a small web team, balancing management and programming duties. Additionally, he supports 200-400 editors from various departments, helping them utilize the website feedback system effectively.

How Andrews University utilizes Webvizio as a university website feedback tool

Before implementing a university website feedback tool like Webvizio, Andrews University struggled with obtaining clear, actionable feedback from users. The lack of a unified web feedback system hindered Andrews University’s ability to efficiently address website issues and user concerns.

Without a centralized platform for collecting website input, Andrews University struggled to identify and resolve web page problems effectively. Moreover, the absence of an integrated digital feedback mechanism made it challenging for Andrews University to gather actionable insights about its web presence. Consequently, users struggled to provide clear, actionable feedback.

“As soon as I saw it, the immediate usefulness of it just jumped out. It was like one of those products you see and go, ‘I want that.'”

Jason Strack Web communications manager

Webvizio Benefits

Webvizio has provided Jason and his team with several benefits that have enhanced their web content management process:

  • Webvizio attaches tasks (tickets) directly to specific web pages or elements, visually highlighting what needs attention.
  • Users can annotate issues directly on the page, eliminating guesswork in deciphering text-based descriptions.
  • The shared board consolidates feedback and visually tracks issues, improving efficiency.
  • The visual aspect helps different departments and editors easily convey their issues without confusion.
  • Ongoing efforts to integrate Webvizio through its API promise to further streamline workflows.

“We’ve gone from drowning in vague emails to sailing through clear, actionable tickets. Our team and stakeholders love it, and we can’t imagine managing our university website without it. It’s not just streamlined our process; it’s revolutionized it.”

Key Takeaways for Andrews University 

By leveraging Webvizio’s capabilities as a powerful website feedback tool, Jason and his team at Andrews University have been able to improve their support process, enhance communication with various departments, and increase overall efficiency in managing web content.

  • 65% Reduction in Support Request Resolution Time: The web team has shifted from spending hours interpreting vague feedback to quickly addressing issues through Webvizio’s clear, visual annotations, significantly streamlining the support process.
  • 80% Decrease in Feedback Misinterpretations: The use of visual annotations has dramatically reduced errors in understanding user-reported issues, leading to more accurate and efficient problem-solving for the web team.
  • Increase in Departmental Engagement: The intuitive, visual nature of Webvizio has encouraged more frequent and precise feedback from various university departments, resulting in improved collaboration and stronger interdepartmental communication.